Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 79


Baptised -- Febuary the 3d. 1765

Alexander son of Lucy Belonging to Nathaniel Crawley Senr: 1765
Jenny Daughter Cate Belonging to Coll. Phillip Johnson 1765
Susanna Daughter of Easter Belonging to Coll Lewis Burwell 1765

March the 3d: 1765 Baptis’d Infants

Sukey Daughter Sarah Belonging Kathern Campbell 1765
Jenny Daughter of Hannah Belonging to Collo. Carter Burwells Estate 1765
Peter Son of Cate Belonging to Thomas Everard 1765
David Son of Judith Belonging to Ann Singleton’s Estate 1765
Jemmy Son of Lidia Belonging to John Chiswell Baptis’d March 17th: 1765

April the 7th Baptised Infants

Henry Son of Nanny Belonging to Alexander Craig 1765
Peter Son of hannah Belonging to Fredrick Bryan 1765
Elizabeth Daughter of Salley Belonging to Fredrick Bryan 1765
Richard Son of Nanny Belonging to Anthony Hay 1765
lla Daughter of Flowra Belonging to James Southall 1765
ancy Daughter of Jenny Belonging to Mrs. Mary Stith 1765
ly Daughter of Alice Belonging to Alexander Purdy Was Baptised
April 14th: 1765

May the 5th: Baptised Infants

Roger Son of Molly Belonging to Coll George Washington 1765
Beck Daughter of Sarah Belongin To William Moody Junr: 1765
Robert Son of Hannah Belonging to Collo. Carter Burwells Estate 1765
Doctor Son of Betty Belonging to Benjm: Waller Esqr. Born March 29 1765
ucy Son of Tabby Belonging to Collo: Custis’s Estate 1765
Pall Daughter of Sarah Liveing With Peter Moyer 1765
John Son of Jenny Belonging to Elizebath Dawson 1765
Squire Son of Leah Belonging to William Warters 1765
Peter Son of Grace Belonging to Doctor George Gilmor 1765
John Beck. Son of Sall Belonging to Katherine Blaikely 1765

June the 2d: 1765 Baptised Negro Children

John Son of Sarah Belonging to Coll Phillip Johnson 1765
uel Son of Belonging to Collo: Phillip Johnson 1765
ith Daughter of Easter Belonging to Benjm: Waller Esqr: 1765
Daughter of Pegg Belonging to Anthony Hay 1765
ny Son of Chace Betty Belonging to Carter Burwells Estate 1765
n Son of Darcos Belonging to Thomas Hornsby 1765
el Williams Daughter of Lucy Belonging to Willim Prentis 1765

Baptized -- Febuary the 3 1765

Alexander son of Lucy Belonging to Nathaniel Crawley Senior 1765
Jenny Daughter Cate Belonging to Colonel Phillip Johnson 1765
Susanna Daughter of Easter Belonging to Colonel Lewis Burwell 1765

March the 3 1765 Baptized Infants

Sukey Daughter Sarah Belonging Kathern Campbell 1765
Jenny Daughter of Hannah Belonging to Colonel Carter Burwells Estate 1765
Peter Son of Cate Belonging to Thomas Everard 1765
David Son of Judith Belonging to Ann Singleton’s Estate 1765
Jemmy Son of Lidia Belonging to John Chiswell Baptis’d March 17 1765

April the 7 Baptized Infants

Henry Son of Nanny Belonging to Alexander Craig 1765
Peter Son of Hannah Belonging to Fredrick Bryan 1765
Elizabeth Daughter of Sally Belonging to Fredrick Bryan 1765
Richard Son of Nanny Belonging to Anthony Hay 1765
lla Daughter of Flowra Belonging to James Southall 1765
ancy Daughter of Jenny Belonging to Mrs. Mary Stith 1765
ly Daughter of Alice Belonging to Alexander Purdy Was Baptized
April 14 1765

May the 5 Baptized Infants

Roger Son of Molly Belonging to Colonel George Washington 1765
Beck Daughter of Sarah Belongin To William Moody Junior 1765
Robert Son of Hannah Belonging to Colonel Carter Burwells Estate 1765
Doctor Son of Betty Belonging to Benjaman Waller Esquire Born March 29 1765
ucy Son of Tabby Belonging to Colonel Custis’s Estate 1765
Pall Daughter of Sarah Liveing With Peter Moyer 1765
John Son of Jenny Belonging to Elizabeth Dawson 1765
Squire Son of Leah Belonging to William Warters 1765
Peter Son of Grace Belonging to Doctor George Gilmor 1765
John Beck Son of Sall Belonging to Katherine Blaikely 1765

June the 2 1765 Baptised Negro Children

John Son of Sarah Belonging to Coll Phillip Johnson 1765
uel Son of Belonging to Colonel Phillip Johnson 1765
ith Daughter of Easter Belonging to Benjaman Waller Esquire 1765
Daughter of Pegg Belonging to Anthony Hay 1765
ny Son of Chace Betty Belonging to Carter Burwells Estate 1765
n Son of Darcos Belonging to Thomas Hornsby 1765
el Williams Daughter of Lucy Belonging to William Prentis 1765