Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 47


Births & Baptisms Continued

1765 (26)
Nancy the Daughter of William & Mary Stone his Wife Was Born May the 28th: 1765
Frances, Daughter of Fredrick & Barbary Bryan his Wife Was Born 1765
Mary the Daughter of Benjm: and Elizabeth Grymes free Mulatta’s Was born Febr: 11th: 1765
Mary the Daughter of Alexander Hoye & Barbara His Wife Was Born May the 6th: 1765
Mary the Daughter of Matthew Ashby & ann His Wife Born October 24 1764
a free Mulatta
Peter the Son of Peter & Elizabeth Powell His Wife Was Born June 9th. 1765
Frances the Daughter of William & Anne Graves His Wife Was Born June 24th: 1765
Elizabeth the Daughter of Edward & Mary Haynes Was Born July 1th: 1765
Ann the Daughter of William & Ann Jackson His Wife Was Born July 5th: 1765
Ann a Basterd Child the Daughter of Mary Withers Widow of Thomas Withers Decd
Was born July 18th: 1765
Sarah the Daughter of Samuel & Judith Coke Was Born august 27th: 1765
Robert Son of John and Frances ormeston Was Born Sepbr: 18th: 1765
Dixson Son of Robert & Ann Bond His Wife Was Born Septr. 26th: 1765
William Son of William Holt & Mary his Wife Was Born Septr. 28th: 1765
William the Son of Matthew Moody Junr. & Kathern His Wife Born Septr: 29th: 1765
Mary the Daughter of William & May His Wife Was Born Septr: 1765
and Baptis’d 27th of october 1765
Elizabeth Daughter of Humphrey Harwood & Sarah His wife Born Novemr. 24th 1765
Matthew Son of John & Sarah Ashby Free Mulattas Was Born July 18
and Baptised october the 6th: 1765
Mary the Daughter of Lawrance & Susanah De. Rozaras free Negros
Was Born august the: 30th: and Baptsed october 6th: 1765
Eaddy, the Daughter of Elizabeth Macklin a free Mulatta the Child Born a Basterd
august the 2d: and Baptised october 6th 1765
Samuel Son of James & Mary Galt His wife Was Born October 17th: 1765
Charles Jones A bastard Child, Son of Elizabeth Delany Born 1765
Betty Landon the Daughter of the Honble. Robert Carter Esqr. and Frances
His Wife Was Born october 25th: 1765

Births & Baptisms Continued

1765 (26)
Nancy the Daughter of William & Mary Stone his Wife Was Born May the 28 1765
Frances, Daughter of Fredrick & Barbary Bryan his Wife Was Born 1765
Mary the Daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Grymes free Mulatta’s Was born February 11 1765
Mary the Daughter of Alexander Hoye & Barbara His Wife Was Born May the 6 1765
Mary the Daughter of Matthew Ashby & Ann His Wife Born October 24 1764
a free Mulatta
Peter the Son of Peter & Elizabeth Powell His Wife Was Born June 9 1765
Frances the Daughter of William & Anne Graves His Wife Was Born June 24 1765
Elizabeth the Daughter of Edward & Mary Haynes Was Born July 1 1765
Ann the Daughter of William & Ann Jackson His Wife Was Born July 5 1765
Ann a Basterd Child the Daughter of Mary Withers Widow of Thomas Withers Deceased
Was born July 18 1765
Sarah the Daughter of Samuel & Judith Coke Was Born August 27 1765
Robert Son of John and Frances Ormeston Was Born September 18 1765
Dixson Son of Robert & Ann Bond His Wife Was Born September 26 1765
William Son of William Holt & Mary his Wife Was Born September 28 1765
William the Son of Matthew Moody Junior & Kathern His Wife Born September 29 1765
Mary the Daughter of William & May His Wife Was Born September 1765
and Baptized 27 of October 1765
Elizabeth Daughter of Humphrey Harwood & Sarah His wife Born November 24 1765
Matthew Son of John & Sarah Ashby Free Mulattas Was Born July 18
and Baptized October the 6 1765
Mary the Daughter of Lawrance & Susanah De Rozaras free Negros
Was Born August the 30 and Baptized October 6 1765
Eaddy, the Daughter of Elizabeth Macklin a free Mulatta the Child Born a Basterd
August the 2 and Baptized October 6 1765
Samuel Son of James & Mary Galt His wife Was Born October 17 1765
Charles Jones A bastard Child, Son of Elizabeth Delany Born 1765
Betty Landon the Daughter of the Honorable Robert Carter Esquire and Frances
His Wife Was Born October 25 1765