Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 136
Page Number:
Burials Continued An Domi. 1728 |
March 25 | William Dyer |
27 | Mrs. Sarah Jennings Widdow of Colo Edmd Jenings President |
14 | John Davis |
26 | Anne Daughter of John and Eliza. Tyler |
August 24 | Martha Daughter of Robert Dyer |
tr 20 | Edward Child of Edward Burrish |
Novr. 3 | Margaret Thompson |
Janry 24 | Eliza. Daughter of William and Frances Alcraft |
Febry 9 | Frances Young of Williamsburg |
Anno Domi 1729 |
Mar 31 | Mr. Giles Moody |
April 7 | Betty Jaquelin Packe Daughter of Mr. Richard Pack |
May 5 | William Son of Captn, James Hopkins |
August 6 | Amy Wife of Charles Cosby |
12 | Elizabeth a Child Daughter of Henry Bryan |
20 | William Thompson |
21 | Daniel LeMerchant |
30 | Elizabeth the Daughter of Sussanna Cooper |
1 | Sarah the Wife of Isaac Bee |
10 | Itilla Daughter of the Decd. James and Mary Hubard |
11 | Lewis Contesse |
r 2 | Margaret Wife of John White |
12 | Patrick Green |
22 | John Brook |
26 | George Wynn |
Novr. 2 | Mr. Henry Tyler Senr. |
21 | Ann Davis Widow of John Davis |
27 | William Stone |

Collection ID:
Mss. 91 B 38
Transcription Modernized:
Burials Continued Anno Domini 1728 |
March 25 | William Dyer |
27 | Mrs. Sarah Jennings Widow of Colo Edmund Jenings President |
14 | John Davis |
26 | Anne Daughter of John and Elizabeth Tyler |
August 24 | Martha Daughter of Robert Dyer |
tr 20 | Edward Child of Edward Burrish |
November 3 | Margaret Thompson |
January 24 | Elizabeth Daughter of William and Frances Alcraft |
February 9 | Frances Young of Williamsburg |
Anno Domini 1729 |
March 31 | Mr. Giles Moody |
April 7 | Betty Jaquelin Packe Daughter of Mr. Richard Pack |
May 5 | William Son of Captain, James Hopkins |
August 6 | Amy Wife of Charles Cosby |
12 | Elizabeth a Child Daughter of Henry Bryan |
20 | William Thompson |
21 | Daniel LeMerchant |
30 | Elizabeth the Daughter of Sussanna Cooper |
1 | Sarah the Wife of Isaac Bee |
10 | Itilla Daughter of the Deceased James and Mary Hubard |
11 | Lewis Contesse |
r 2 | Margaret Wife of John White |
12 | Patrick Green |
22 | John Brook |
26 | George Wynn |
November 2 | Mr. Henry Tyler Senior |
21 | Ann Davis Widow of John Davis |
27 | William Stone |
Subject Headings:
Church records and registers --Virginia-- Williamsburg.