Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 125
Page Number:
Anno: 1703 |
October: | George A servant to Mr. John Man: the tenth |
Thomas Ward dep. the of November 1703 | |
William Stevens senr. of November 1703 | |
Nov. | John Casey a Taylor departed 1703 |
Xbr. | Job Cocking a Shoomaker departed December |
Nicholas Hamner: A Planter 1703 | |
Xbr: | Joseph Man & John Bartlett 1703 |
May: | Mary the wife of Ralph Hubbard the ninth 1704 |
May | Thomas Farmar of James Citty parish 1704 |
June | Lidia Dyer the wife of Henry Dyer June the eight Ao. 1704 |
June | Crab a wheelright departed June the 13th. 1704 |
Mary the wife of Joseph White Augt the 17: 1704 | |
John Syncock a Carpenter September the Eleaventh 1704 | |
Ao. 1705 | Edward son of Wm. Davis of Q. Creek Aprill the twenty seventh |
John Wetherford a Carpenter in Aprill Anno 1705: | |
May 3d | Mr. John Archer son of Mrs. Eliza. Archer Q. Creek Ao. 1705 |
y: 17th: | Robert West departed & was Buried Ao: 1705 |
1705 | Mr. Timothy Pinkethman was buried the Nineteenth of May |

Collection ID:
Mss. 91 B 38
Transcription Modernized:
Anno 1703 |
October | George A servant to Mr. John Man the tenth |
Thomas Ward departed the of November 1703 | |
William Stevens senior of November 1703 | |
November | John Casey a Taylor departed 1703 |
December | Job Cocking a Shoomaker departed December |
Nicholas Hamner A Planter 1703 | |
December | Joseph Man & John Bartlett 1703 |
May | Mary the wife of Ralph Hubbard the ninth 1704 |
May | Thomas Farmar of James City parish 1704 |
June | Lidia Dyer the wife of Henry Dyer June the eight Anno 1704 |
June | Crab a wheelright departed June the 13 1704 |
Mary the wife of Joseph White August the 17 1704 | |
John Syncock a Carpenter September the Eleaventh 1704 | |
Anno 1705 | Edward son of William Davis of Queen Creek April the twenty seventh |
John Wetherford a Carpenter in April Anno 1705 | |
May 3 | Mr. John Archer son of Mrs. Elizabeth Archer Queen Creek Anno. 1705 |
the 17 | Robert West departed & was Buried Anno 1705 |
1705 | Mr. Timothy Pinkethman was buried the Nineteenth of May |
1709 to 1710
Subject Headings:
Church records and registers --Virginia-- Williamsburg.