Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 123
Page Number:
Buried: Ao: 1701/2 |
Thomas Clayton a Bricklayer the Sixth day of February: |
Ao: 1702 |
William Sanders a Carpenter the 30th day of March |
Susanna the wife of Hen: Brewer in April |
Mr Adrian Preston writing Master Apr. the nineteenth |
Mrs Mary Pinkethman ux. Wm. Pinkethman the 21th. Apr. |
Mary Clayton widow in July 1702 |
Mr Harvy a mercht: July the twenty third of July 1702 |
Elizabeth Shelburn Augt: the ninth Ao. 1702 |
The Reverend Mr Cope Doyly the 27 September Ao 1702 |
Mrs Mary Timson wid October the Eleaventh 1702 |
Elenor Harrison daugher of Mary Bonyman Octo: the 14.1702 |
Ann Pynes widow decd Octobr. the Eleaventh 1702 |
Elizabeth the wife of Mr. John Page Novem. the fifteenth 1702 |
the wife of Mr Lawrence Green Nov. the 16th: 1702 |
Mary Teer widow in December |

Collection ID:
Mss. 91 B 38
Transcription Modernized:
Buried Anno 1701/2 |
Thomas Clayton a Bricklayer the Sixth day of February | |
Anno 1702 |
William Sanders a Carpenter the 30 day of March | |
Susanna the wife of Henry Brewer in April | |
Mr Adrian Preston writing Master April the nineteenth | |
Mrs Mary Pinkethman ux. William Pinkethman the 21 April. | |
Mary Clayton widow in July 1702 | |
Mr Harvy a merchant July the twenty third of July 1702 | |
Elizabeth Shelburn August the ninth Anno 1702 | |
The Reverend Mr Cope Doyly the 27 September Anno 1702 | |
Mrs Mary Timson widow October the Eleventh 1702 | |
Elenor Harrison daugher of Mary Bonyman October the 14 1702 | |
Ann Pynes widow deceased October the Eleventh 1702 | |
Elizabeth the wife of Mr. John Page November the fifteenth 1702 | |
the wife of Mr Lawrence Green November the 16 1702 | |
Mary Teer widow in December | |
1705 to 1706
Subject Headings:
Church records and registers --Virginia-- Williamsburg.