Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 97
Page Number:
Buried in 1664 |
7br: y 18: | Elizabeth Salmon servant to John Davies decd: |
Sep: y 30: | Mrs. Margarett Crowshaw wife of Major Crowshaw deceased |
Octo. 4th: | Elizabeth Johnson Daughter of John Johnson deceased |
y 28th: | Ann Roberts servant to Mr. John Woods Deceased |
Jan: y 2d: | Thomas Philips and Nicholas Dunford deceased |
y 23d: | Katherine Wells wife of John Wells Deceased |
y 26: | Ann Ward Servant to Henry White deceased |
Febr: 15th: | Thomas Austin son of Mrs. Mary Bromfeild deceased |
William Stone deceased | |
1665 |
May 10th: | Robert Servant to Mr. John Hossington deceased |
June 2d: | Richard Servant to Mr. Ralph Graves deceased |
July 15: | John Evans deceased |
y 25th: | John Bond Servant to Mr: Daniel Wylde deceased |
Augt: xith: | Captain Jeremiah Fisher Deceased |
y 12th: | Elizabeth Wylde daughter of Mr. Daniel Wyld deceased |
y 20th: | Mr. Thomas Bromfeild deceased |

Collection ID:
Mss. 91 B 38
Transcription Modernized:
Buried in 1664 |
September the 18 | Elizabeth Salmon servant to John Davies Deceased |
September the 30 | Mrs. Margarett Crowshaw wife of Major Crowshaw deceased |
October 4 | Elizabeth Johnson Daughter of John Johnson deceased |
the 28 | Ann Roberts servant to Mr. John Woods Deceased |
January the 2 | Thomas Philips and Nicholas Dunford deceased |
the 23 | Katherine Wells wife of John Wells Deceased |
the 26 | Ann Ward Servant to Henry White deceased |
February 15 | Thomas Austin son of Mrs. Mary Bromfeild deceased |
William Stone deceased | |
1665 |
May 10 | Robert Servant to Mr. John Hossington deceased |
June 2 | Richard Servant to Mr. Ralph Graves deceased |
July 15 | John Evans deceased |
the 25 | John Bond Servant to Mr. Daniel Wylde deceased |
August 6 | Captain Jeremiah Fisher Deceased |
the 12 | Elizabeth Wylde daughter of Mr. Daniel Wyld deceased |
the 20 | Mr. Thomas Bromfeild deceased |
1667 to 1668
Subject Headings:
Church records and registers --Virginia-- Williamsburg.