Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 96
Page Number:
Buried in 1663 |
Jan: 31th: | Robert Lucas Servant to Mr: Philip Chesley decd: |
Feb: y 5th | Amy Arnall servant to Mr: Philip Chesley decd: |
March: 14th: | Robert Thomas sonne of John & Katherine Thomas |
Mar: 23d: | Rachel Davis daughter of John & Mary Davis |
1664 |
May 21st: | Margaret White daughter of Henry White decd |
July | John Lane Servant to Captain Daniel Parke |
July 10th: | Susanna Gentle servant to Capt: Danl: Parke |
y 12th: | William Walker servant to Thomas Whaley decd |
y 15th: | Thomas Parker Servant to Daniel Wylde decd: |
y 23d: | John Candum servant to Mr: Philip Chesley decd: |
Augt: 5th: | Rebecka Foliot daughter of Mr: Edward Foliot dec: |
y 28th: | John Wells sonne of John Wells & Kath: his wife dec: |
Sept: 13: | Then Mr. Henry Banister deceased |
y 15 | Richard & Robert Harvy sonnes of Valent: Harvy |
y 18th: | John Davis deceased |

Collection ID:
Mss. 91 B 38
Transcription Modernized:
Buried in 1663 |
January 31 | Robert Lucas Servant to Mr. Philip Chesley Deceased |
February the 5 | Amy Arnall servant to Mr. Philip Chesley Deceased |
March 14 | Robert Thomas sonne of John & Katherine Thomas |
March 23 | Rachel Davis daughter of John & Mary Davis |
1664 |
May 21 | Margaret White daughter of Henry White deceased |
July | John Lane Servant to Captain Daniel Parke |
July 10 | Susanna Gentle servant to Captain Daniel Parke |
the 12 | William Walker servant to Thomas Whaley deceased |
the 15 | Thomas Parker Servant to Daniel Wylde Deceased |
the 23 | John Candum servant to Mr. Philip Chesley Deceased |
August 5 | Rebecka Foliot daughter of Mr. Edward Foliot Deceased |
the 28 | John Wells sonne of John Wells & Kathereine his wife Deceased |
September 13 | Then Mr. Henry Banister deceased |
the 15 | Richard & Robert Harvy sons of Valent Harvy |
the 18 | John Davis deceased |
1666 to 1667
Subject Headings:
Church records and registers --Virginia-- Williamsburg.