Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 88

January 10th Baptism’s of Slaves Continued

Joseph Son of Pheaba Belonging to Mary Prentis Widow of William Prentis Dec
Francis Son of Elizabeth Belonging to Edward Charlton
Sophia Daughter of Sucky Belonging to John Dixson

Baptism’s of Slaves Continued

March 13th: 1768

Thomas Son of Grace Blonging to Mrs. Vobe
Thomas Cumins Son of keshia Bleonging to Elizabeth Dawson
William Son of Patty Belonging to Mrs Judith Stith
Moses Son of Cloie Belonging to Emery Hughs
Joseph Son of Peggey Belonging to Coll Custis’s Estate Born Decm: 5th: 1767
Harry Son of Frankey Belonging to Samuel Spur
Joseph Son of Betty Belonging to James Sheilds
Richard Son Phillis Belonging to Slarther’s Estate now Liveing With William Roberts
Sucky Daughter of Procilla Belonging to William & Mary College Born January 23d
Hannah Daughter of Judith Belonging to William Hubard
Fanney Daughter of Nanny Belonging to John Fergusson Born October 23d: 1767
Jenny Daughter of Daffny Belonging to Coll George Washington Born January 27 1768
Sarah Daughter of Beck Belonging to Lewis Burwell Junr: Born Febr 4th: 1768

Baptism’s of Slaves Continued

April the 10th: 1768

James Raman Son of Judith Belonging to Thomas Hornsby
Adam Son of Nancy Belonging to William Moss
Henry Son of Elizabeth Belonging to Anthony Hay’s Son Thomas Hay
Joseph son of Jenny Belonging to Hannah Hulett
Adam &
  Twins Son & Daughter of Sall Belonging to Fredrick Bryan Junr.
Darcos Daughter of Betty Belonging to Francis Willis
Nancy Daughter of Hannah Belonging to Coll Carter Burwell’s Estate
Born March 31th: 1768
Lucetty Daughter of Sally Belonging John Randolph Esqr:

Baptism’s of Slaves Continued

May the 8th: 1768

William Franklin son of Sue Belonging to Coll Phillip Johnson
Susannah Daughter of Jenny Belonging to William Finnie

Grown persons Same Day

John Cambrige Belonging to John Fergusson

Baptsms of Slaves Continued

June 5th: 1768

Charles Son of Tomison Belonging to Phillip Moody
James Son of Ell’se Belonging to Alixander Craige
Winney Daughter of Amey Belonging to Coll Liwis Burwell
Margret Carter Daughter of Molly Belonging to Coll Phillip Johnson
Ann Sowell Daughter of Elizabeth Belonging to Edward Nicolson’s Estate

January 10 Baptisms of Slaves Continued

Joseph Son of Pheaba Belonging to Mary Prentis Widow of William Prentis Deceased
Francis Son of Elizabeth Belonging to Edward Charlton
Sophia Daughter of Sucky Belonging to John Dixson
Baptisms of Slaves Continued
March 13 1768
Thomas Son of Grace Blonging to Mrs. Vobe
Thomas Cumins Son of Keshia Bleonging to Elizabeth Dawson
William Son of Patty Belonging to Mrs Judith Stith
Moses Son of Cloie Belonging to Emery Hughs
Joseph Son of Peggey Belonging to Colonel Custis’s Estate Born December 5 1767
Harry Son of Frankey Belonging to Samuel Spur
Joseph Son of Betty Belonging to James Sheilds
Richard Son Phillis Belonging to Slarther’s Estate now Living With William Roberts
Sucky Daughter of Procilla Belonging to William & Mary College Born January 23
Hannah Daughter of Judith Belonging to William Hubard
Fanney Daughter of Nanny Belonging to John Fergusson Born October 23 1767
Jenny Daughter of Daffny Belonging to Colonel George Washington Born January 27 1768
Sarah Daughter of Beck Belonging to Lewis Burwell Junior Born February 4 1768

Baptisms of Slaves Continued

April the 10 1768

James Raman Son of Judith Belonging to Thomas Hornsby
Adam Son of Nancy Belonging to William Moss
Henry Son of Elizabeth Belonging to Anthony Hay’s Son Thomas Hay
Joseph son of Jenny Belonging to Hannah Hulett
Adam &
  Twins Son & Daughter of Sall Belonging to Fredrick Bryan Junior
Darcos Daughter of Betty Belonging to Francis Willis
Nancy Daughter of Hannah Belonging to Colonel Carter Burwell’s Estate
Born March 31 1768
Lucetty Daughter of Sally Belonging John Randolph Esquire:

Baptisms of Slaves Continued

May the 8 1768

William Franklin son of Sue Belonging to Colonel Phillip Johnson
Susannah Daughter of Jenny Belonging to William Finnie

Grown persons Same Day

John Cambrige Belonging to John Fergusson

Baptsms of Slaves Continued

June 5 1768

Charles Son of Tomison Belonging to Phillip Moody
James Son of Ellse Belonging to Alexander Craige
Winney Daughter of Amy Belonging to Colonel Liwis Burwell
Margret Carter Daughter of Molly Belonging to Colonel Phillip Johnson
Ann Sowell Daughter of Elizabeth Belonging to Edward Nicolson’s Estate