Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 79

Baptised -- Febuary the 3d. 1765 |
(57) |
Alexander son of Lucy Belonging to Nathaniel Crawley Senr: | 1765 |
Jenny Daughter Cate Belonging to Coll. Phillip Johnson | 1765 |
Susanna Daughter of Easter Belonging to Coll Lewis Burwell | 1765 |
March the 3d: 1765 Baptis’d Infants |
Sukey Daughter Sarah Belonging Kathern Campbell | 1765 |
Jenny Daughter of Hannah Belonging to Collo. Carter Burwells Estate | 1765 |
Peter Son of Cate Belonging to Thomas Everard | 1765 |
David Son of Judith Belonging to Ann Singleton’s Estate | 1765 |
Jemmy Son of Lidia Belonging to John Chiswell Baptis’d March 17th: | 1765 |
April the 7th Baptised Infants |
Henry Son of Nanny Belonging to Alexander Craig | 1765 |
Peter Son of hannah Belonging to Fredrick Bryan | 1765 |
Elizabeth Daughter of Salley Belonging to Fredrick Bryan | 1765 |
Richard Son of Nanny Belonging to Anthony Hay | 1765 |
lla Daughter of Flowra Belonging to James Southall | 1765 |
ancy Daughter of Jenny Belonging to Mrs. Mary Stith | 1765 |
ly Daughter of Alice Belonging to Alexander Purdy Was Baptised | |
April 14th: 1765 | |
May the 5th: Baptised Infants |
Roger Son of Molly Belonging to Coll George Washington | 1765 |
Beck Daughter of Sarah Belongin To William Moody Junr: | 1765 |
Robert Son of Hannah Belonging to Collo. Carter Burwells Estate | 1765 |
Doctor Son of Betty Belonging to Benjm: Waller Esqr. Born March 29 | 1765 |
ucy Son of Tabby Belonging to Collo: Custis’s Estate | 1765 |
Pall Daughter of Sarah Liveing With Peter Moyer | 1765 |
John Son of Jenny Belonging to Elizebath Dawson | 1765 |
Squire Son of Leah Belonging to William Warters | 1765 |
Peter Son of Grace Belonging to Doctor George Gilmor | 1765 |
John Beck. Son of Sall Belonging to Katherine Blaikely | 1765 |
June the 2d: 1765 Baptised Negro Children |
John Son of Sarah Belonging to Coll Phillip Johnson | 1765 |
uel Son of Belonging to Collo: Phillip Johnson | 1765 |
ith Daughter of Easter Belonging to Benjm: Waller Esqr: | 1765 |
Daughter of Pegg Belonging to Anthony Hay | 1765 |
ny Son of Chace Betty Belonging to Carter Burwells Estate | 1765 |
n Son of Darcos Belonging to Thomas Hornsby | 1765 |
el Williams Daughter of Lucy Belonging to Willim Prentis | 1765 |
Baptized -- Febuary the 3 1765 |
(57) |
Alexander son of Lucy Belonging to Nathaniel Crawley Senior | 1765 |
Jenny Daughter Cate Belonging to Colonel Phillip Johnson | 1765 |
Susanna Daughter of Easter Belonging to Colonel Lewis Burwell | 1765 |
March the 3 1765 Baptized Infants |
Sukey Daughter Sarah Belonging Kathern Campbell | 1765 |
Jenny Daughter of Hannah Belonging to Colonel Carter Burwells Estate | 1765 |
Peter Son of Cate Belonging to Thomas Everard | 1765 |
David Son of Judith Belonging to Ann Singleton’s Estate | 1765 |
Jemmy Son of Lidia Belonging to John Chiswell Baptis’d March 17 | 1765 |
April the 7 Baptized Infants |
Henry Son of Nanny Belonging to Alexander Craig | 1765 |
Peter Son of Hannah Belonging to Fredrick Bryan | 1765 |
Elizabeth Daughter of Sally Belonging to Fredrick Bryan | 1765 |
Richard Son of Nanny Belonging to Anthony Hay | 1765 |
lla Daughter of Flowra Belonging to James Southall | 1765 |
ancy Daughter of Jenny Belonging to Mrs. Mary Stith | 1765 |
ly Daughter of Alice Belonging to Alexander Purdy Was Baptized | |
April 14 1765 | |
May the 5 Baptized Infants |
Roger Son of Molly Belonging to Colonel George Washington | 1765 |
Beck Daughter of Sarah Belongin To William Moody Junior | 1765 |
Robert Son of Hannah Belonging to Colonel Carter Burwells Estate | 1765 |
Doctor Son of Betty Belonging to Benjaman Waller Esquire Born March 29 | 1765 |
ucy Son of Tabby Belonging to Colonel Custis’s Estate | 1765 |
Pall Daughter of Sarah Liveing With Peter Moyer | 1765 |
John Son of Jenny Belonging to Elizabeth Dawson | 1765 |
Squire Son of Leah Belonging to William Warters | 1765 |
Peter Son of Grace Belonging to Doctor George Gilmor | 1765 |
John Beck Son of Sall Belonging to Katherine Blaikely | 1765 |
June the 2 1765 Baptised Negro Children |
John Son of Sarah Belonging to Coll Phillip Johnson | 1765 |
uel Son of Belonging to Colonel Phillip Johnson | 1765 |
ith Daughter of Easter Belonging to Benjaman Waller Esquire | 1765 |
Daughter of Pegg Belonging to Anthony Hay | 1765 |
ny Son of Chace Betty Belonging to Carter Burwells Estate | 1765 |
n Son of Darcos Belonging to Thomas Hornsby | 1765 |
el Williams Daughter of Lucy Belonging to William Prentis | 1765 |