Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 74

Slaves Names Owners Names (52)
Brunswick Colo: Custis
Scumbrough Idem
Milly Mrs: Barradal
Nanny Idem
Henry Idem
Christian Idem
Henry Mrs: Kemp
& Michael Colo Burwell
Cæsar Mrs: Scarbrough
Betty July the 1st
Venus Colo: Burwell
Yarrow Lady Randal
William Mrs: Barradal
Natt Colo: Scarbrough
Sarah Jam. Shields
dren Nanny Docr: Potter
Glascow Mrs: Hubbard
Inverness Docr: Mackensie
Abigail Mr: Stott
Ann Mr: Wray
Sarah Docr: Mackensie
Men & Mary Mr: Bray
Women Elizabeth Idem
Maggadal Docr: Amson
Captain Colo: Custis
Jacob Major Burwell Augst: the 5th
Susanna Idem
Ann Wm: Kennedy
Rachel Mr: Stott
Thomas Mrs. Patterson
Sarah Capt: Smith
ren Marlbrough Mrs: Holloway
Alice Mrs: Hubbard
Gabriel, and Mary Landon Carter
Harry Mrs: Keele
Commoty Docr: Mackensie
London Mr: Berford
Peter Major Bray


Slaves Names Owners Names (52)
Brunswick Colonel Custis
Scumbrough Idem
Milly Mrs. Barradal
Nanny Idem
Henry Idem
Christian Idem
Henry Mrs. Kemp
& Michael Colonel Burwell
Cæsar Mrs. Scarbrough
Betty July the 1
Winny Idem
Venus Colonel Burwell
Yarrow Lady Randal
William Mrs. Barradal
Natt Colonel Scarbrough
Sarah James Shields
dren Nanny Doctor Potter
Glascow Mrs. Hubbard
Inverness Doctor Mackensie
Abigail Mr. Stott
Ann Mr. Wray
Sarah Doctor Mackensie
Men & Mary Mr. Bray
Women Elizabeth Idem
Maggadal Doctor Amson
Captain Colonel Custis
Jacob Major Burwell August the 5
Susanna Idem
Ann William Kennedy
Rachel Mr. Stott
Thomas Mrs. Patterson
Sarah Captain Smith
ren Marlbrough Mrs. Holloway
Alice Mrs. Hubbard
Gabriel, and Mary Landon Carter
Harry Mrs. Keele
Commoty Doctor Mackensie
London Mr. Berford
Peter Major Bray