Bruton & Middleton Parish Register 1662-1797 - Page 138


Bur Anno 1737

  William Hunt
23 Dr. Potter's Coachman
27 Jekyl Jones
  Ann Ingles Daughter of Ann Ingles Widdow
  Eliza. ycock
tr 31 Dr. of Gabriel Maupin
r 2 Mary Wife of Wm. Taylor
3 Catherine Oconner
22 John Clayton Esqr.
27 Sarah Byrum
3 Eliza. Sheilds Wife of James Sheilds
14 Rebecca Dr of Thomas & Eliza. Penman
16 Mrs. Rasbury
20 Charles a Negro Boy belong. to The Honble. William Gooch Esqr.
30 Wm. Byrum
12 Mary Spence Dr. of James Spence
  Toney an East India Indian belongg. to Honble. William Gooch Esqr. Augst. 12: 1738
3 Maj. Abraham Nicholas
2 Sary Alexander Daugr: of Sarah Roadwell Widow
15 Mr. Alexander Kerr & Rachell Rhodewell Octo.9th
22 Dennis
28 Eliza. Daugr. to Willm. Wyatt & Eliza. his wife
Novr. 9 Judith Maupin Daughter of Gabriel Maupin
10 John Blunt son in law to Philip Hankins
Decr. 19 John Mackgrigor died
Janr. 4 Patrick Fergesson died

Buried Anno 1737

  William Hunt
23 Dr. Potter's Coachman
27 Jekyl Jones
  Ann Ingles Daughter of Ann Ingles Widdow
  Elizabeth ycock
tr 31 Daughter of Gabriel Maupin
r 2 Mary Wife of William Taylor
3 Catherine Oconner
22 John Clayton Esquire
27 Sarah Byrum
3 Elizabeth Sheilds Wife of James Sheilds
14 Rebecca Daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Penman
16 Mrs. Rasbury
20 Charles a Negro Boy belonging to The Honorable William Gooch Esquire
30 William Byrum
12 Mary Spence Daughter of James Spence
  Toney an East India Indian belonging to Honorable William Gooch Esquire August 12 1738
3 Major Abraham Nicholas
2 Sary Alexander Daughter of Sarah Roadwell Widow
15 Mr. Alexander Kerr & Rachell Rhodewell October 9
22 Dennis
28 Elizabeth Daughter to William Wyatt & Elizabeth his wife
November 9 Judith Maupin Daughter of Gabriel Maupin
10 John Blunt son in law to Philip Hankins
December 19 John Mackgrigor died
January 4 Patrick Fergesson died